Saturday, February 6, 2016

Completed Sapphire

I managed to find some spare moments to cover the Sapphire with yellow tissue and apply some cellulose dope. Once this was completely dry, I drilled some 3mm holes and fitted the dowels for the wings and rubber motor.  My minor gripe was that the dowel provided was less than generous, but fortunately I had some spare from a previous kit.

The final steps were to fix the wheels, add in the windshield and get the propeller nose block finished.  The nose block balsa was a little softer than I expected so I ended up sanding it just slightly too much, so I may redo this at a later date.

All in all, not a bad little kit. Straight forward to assemble, the majority of the parts were very good quality and the instructions and plans were excellent.  It didn't take too long to build and it was an enjoyable experience.  I just now need some fine weather to fly it!


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